Avon Waterbird Survey

The club has twice carried out a three-year waterbird survey along the Avon River. This last survey, undertaken between 1995 and 1997, was twenty years after the initial survey to get a comparison. The survey was funded by Wheatbelt NRM through a Regional Landcare Funding Community Grant.

The number of water birds recorded in 2015-17 was 2,125 (27 species); in comparison, the total recorded in 1995-97 was 7,077 (29 species); this equates to a drop in numbers of almost 70%.

The top 15 birds recorded in 2016 amounted to 97% of all species. This compares favourably with 1995-1997, where 97.4% of all species comprised the same birds.

You can read the final PDF report to our funder below.

(Photos: Wayne Clarke)