Dawn Atwell Reserve

The Dawn Atwell Reserve is a 59ha Shire of Toodyay Reserve, originally set aside for ‘Camping, and now designated for ‘Conservation of Flora and Fauna’. Located in Julimar Road, some 15km west of the Toodyay town, the reserve has significant flora conservation values.

Former reserve neighbour (and Toodyay Naturalists’ Club (TNC) member), Frank Turnbull, was instrumental in highlighting the significance of the conservation values of this reserve

The following four major vegetation types are found in the reserve, with their accompanying understorey:

  • Banksia woodland of Banksia attenuata, Banksia menziesii (with sedge understorey, including Carex fascicularis – tassel sedge and other Carex spp.);
  • Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) dominated woodland;
  • Old growth woodland of Wandoo (Eucalyptus wandoo), Jarrah (Eucalyptus. Marginata), Marri (Corymbia calophylla); and
  • Powderbark wandoo (Eucalyptus accendens) dominated breakaway.

WWF has developed a management plan for the reserve, with most of the recommendations from the plan being implemented. This has included removal of rubbish, control of weeds, education of locals by inappropriate off-road vehicle usage, education on fallen logs as wildlife refuge,

The late Dawn Atwell was one of the four ‘founding members’ of the TNC, and an Honorary Life Member. Dawn was small in statue, but made up for this with her exuberance for life. The Atwell family has farmed in Toodyay since the 1800s, and Dawn continued this tradition until illness forced her retirement.

Although the reserve is only 95ha, it has low weed invasion, and of the vegetation communities, the banksia-over-sedgeland is uncommon in the area. The Shire does not have the expertise to manage a reserve of this nature.

In recent years, funding has been sourced (via WWF) to undertake weed control, develop a management plan, install signage, and undertake re-vegetation of degraded areas. The change of management from ‘Camping’ to ‘Conservation of Flora and Fauna’, plus naming the reserve after Dawn Atwell, is an indication of how highly valued this reserve is.